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CMHA Huron Perth: 519-271-6819 / 1-888-261-9350

Executive Leadership

Catherine Hardman | Chief Executive Officer

Ellen Balmain | Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer


Elise Metcalf | Director of Housing and Congregate Care

Tsitsi Muyambo | Director of Corporate Services

Holly Smith | Director of Clinical Programs


Melissa Bowen | Manager of Specialized Programs

Tanveen Dhawan | Manager of Quality Improvement, Communications and Fund Development (Interim)

Tim Ertel | Manager of Finance, Data and Performance

Beth Franklin | Manager of Housing Programs

Samantha Spencer | Manager of Clinical Programs

Ruth-Anne Young | Manager of Human Resources


Ashley Carter | Supervisor of Housing Programs

Colleen Devlaeminck | Supervisor of Clinical Programs

Tanya Hefkey | Supervisor of Housing Programs

Sarah Spencer | Supervisor of Case Management



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