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New poll shows most Ontarians want supportive health, social services to address opioid crisis

Amid the ongoing opioid and drug poisoning crisis, more than eight in 10 Ontarians would prefer solutions to these issues focused on health care and social services support, rather than punishment through the criminal justice system, according to new poll results released today.

In addition to the overwhelming majority of Ontarians preferring supportive measures to treat opioid addiction and recovery, Pollara’s results also showed:

This latest data was done for Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario Division by Pollara Strategic Insights.

With close to 3,000 preventable opioid-related deaths in Ontario last year and more overdose surges across the province every day, this poll explored how Ontarians perceive the crisis and the response required. The poll results address the misconception that the crisis has only impacted individuals who are homeless. Research shows that almost 60 per cent of people who died from opioid toxicity were employed.

Learn more about the poll results on the CMHA Ontario website.

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