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Addiction Supportive Housing (ASH) program

The Addiction Supportive Housing (ASH) program is designed to meet the needs of Perth or Huron County individuals who are precariously housed or are homeless. It is a therapeutic program for individuals who would benefit from intensive addiction case management and safe, affordable housing. Potential participants must be a client of CMHA Huron Perth before a referral to the program will be made. Individuals may live independently or within shared accommodations in a transitional housing model.  Shared accommodations are abstinence based and the program takes a harm reduction approach.  Prior to completion of the program, individuals will be supported through the transition to independent housing. A detailed treatment plan will be created with participants to meet their individual needs and goals and will include counselling and life skills training. This treatment plan is a part of the participant’s occupancy agreement.  Participants are required to follow guidelines and expectations of the program and meet weekly with their assigned Intensive Addiction Case Manager to work toward their outlined goals.

Primary eligibility includes:

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