Opiate/Methadone Support Program
Feb 27, 2023
CMHA Huron Perth currently offers individual counselling and case management services for people who experience problematic opioid use, or are on an opioid substitution program, such as methadone or suboxone.
Support is offered to anyone in Perth/Huron counties and can include:
- Individual counselling supports (identifying triggers, reducing harm, relapse prevention etc.)
- Support with harm reduction or abstinence-based goals an access to harm reduction supplies
- Recommendations regarding treatment options
- Help with understanding opioid dependence and opioid replacement therapy
- Assistance with adjusting to the program, evaluating taper readiness etc.
- Referral to both internal and external services and advocacy for the same
- Case management services (linking client to supports for housing, transportation, health care and finances etc.)
- Collaboration with methadone prescribers